Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Layout, OMW, Childhood

So, what's the opinion on the new layout and color scheme?  A bit easier on the eyes?  Also, regular readers, feel free to follow (ack!  alliteration!) so I can know you are out there.

Ok, the OMW for the day is to write about one of our earliest memories.  Here, for your amusement.

I was young enough to still be crawling but old enough to be pulling up on things.  As far as I can tell, we were at some relatives' home - the carpet was a brown-orange and slightly shaggy.  I wanted my daddy but all I could see were shoes and legs.  I could hear talking and happy conversation above my head as I attempted to figure out which set of gigantic feet would lead to my father.  I thought I chose correctly and crawled over to someone sitting in a wooden chair.  I was wrong.  As I pulled up on the knees and looked up, the face I saw had a beard - my daddy did not.  I started bawling and felt embarrassment for probably the first time as the room burst into laughter around me.  After what felt like a significant amount of time, I was handed over to one of my parents.

In retrospect, I'm pretty sure it was my uncle whose lap I ended up in.  I'm sure at the time it was adorable but, just goes to show, you never know what kids will remember.

I wonder at times how much of our identity is shaped by moments like these, most of which we probably do not remember, or remember in a different light than actuality.  


Trill said...

I get the distinct impression that you spend more than a minute on these. Anyway, I like the new layout, it looks more professional and less "oh my gosh, life is so dark so I blog about it." Not that it necessarily looked that way before once you started reading, but the entire black background did have that feel at first glance. Also, there's more of a sense of continuity with the website, which is a good thing.

Alice Renee S. said...
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Alice Renee S. said...

*oops, I didn't mean to delete my comment there*

It certainly looks more professional- it reminds me of a desk and penpad.