Sunday, December 21, 2008


I just returned home from my local video game store and have a story to share.

I bought 5 games for Yule (3 for my other half, 2 for myself - couldn't help it) and upon walking to the car discovered that I had only been charged for four.  What did I do?  Turned around, walked back into the store, got back in line and paid for the other game - which, even used, set me back another $40.  The clerk was grateful and more than a bit surprised.

I know that there are quite a few people who would have just gotten in their car and driven away.  So why didn't I?  Foremost, my integrity is worth more than money.  Beyond that however, there is a very good reason.

When you buy a game you are doing more than just killing your social life for the next 40 hours of gameplay.  You are supporting and informing.  With my game purchase I let the retailer and game industry know what kind of games I'd like to see more of.  I said, "Here.  This is worth my hard earned money.  Make more good games and they will be bought."  It's a feedback system.  In our capitalist culture this is the consumers' power.  Now, believe me, I would love to see independent game developers not have to worry about sales and be able to go right on being creative without fear of the masses' approval.  Unfortunately, reality is a bit different.  This is why it is so important for those of us with (I think) decent taste to support the game industry.  Imagine if Psychonauts had been a runaway best selling game.  Mmmm.... more games in that vein.... yummy.

I understand that games are expensive and that it's no fun to be limited by the mainstream.  So here's to all the gamers out there buying unique, obscure, and wonderful games.  Keep it up.

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