Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The List

For some time, close friends have been asking me for a list of recommended books.  Eventually this will go up on the website; for now, here is a beginning.  It is by no means complete and will be edited periodically.  Series are noted as such.

Must Reads
Daniel Quinn: Ishmael; My Ishmael; Story of B; Beyond Civilization; Story of B; After Dachau
Mark Z. Danielewski: House of Leaves
Heraclitus' Fragments
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Alan Moore: Watchmen
Marjane Satrapi: Persepolis (1 & 2)
C.S. Lewis: Screwtape Letters; Mere Christianity; Narnia Series

Should Reads
Shirley Jackson: The Lottery and other Stories
Lynn Truss: Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Frank Herbert: Dune (Series; some by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson)
Douglas Adams: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Michael Pollan: The Omnivore's Dilemma; In Defense of Food

Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
S.M. Stirling: Dies the Fire (Series)
Robin Hobb: Assassin's Quest (Series); Ship of Magic (Series)

Made the List Reads
Ira Levin: This Perfect Day
Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash


Ike said...

I will be surprised if the List fits on one webpage when finished. ;P

I'm currently rereading Dune (always fun to see what passages were marked when I read it in more formative years), and I'm planning on following the rest of the series after. The prequels were pretty good, but mostly just an exercise in expanding the world, and fleshing out origin stories.

Trill said...

Yes! Finally. Granted, most of this has been on one or more scraps of paper lying around my house for the past year or so, but still, I'm glad you put it up. Which reminds me - I finally read Ender's Game. A girl I used to babysit gave it to me over Thanksgiving break, and I enjoyed it much. Can I take the bright red paint that says "read Ender's Game or die" down now?