Monday, August 18, 2008

Personal update

This is just a personal update for those who want it:

I officially have my Bachelor's degree in English. Plans for the future include applying to the JET program and writing as much as possible. For those who don't know, the JET (Japanese Exchange and Teaching) program sends those accepted over to Japan for a year to help with ESL (English as a Second Language) work and generally foster good relations between Japanese youth and youths from other countries (such as, in my case, the USA). The application process is almost a year long, starting this September, and if I am accepted I will be in Japan for a year starting around Aug 2009. Needless to say, I'm extremely excited about the prospect. I've visited Japan once and absolutely loved the place. In addition, I'm currently doing ESL teaching independently and it has to be one of the most rewarding and interesting types of teaching I've ever been exposed to.

As for the writing, all I can do is keep at it. I'm working on a good amount of personal work that I hope to submit to various places - so if the posts are lacking, that's why. However, that said, I enjoy the blogging as well and it keeps me in form so I will attempt to keep updates regular. Writing is lifeblood to me. Even when I'm not writing, I'm writing - turning ideas over in my head, developing characters/plots/etc, nearly dying in car accidents as I try to scribble down that really interesting thought...

On an even more personal note, Andy and I are doing well and will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary this Samhain (Halloween). For graduation my parents gave us a cruise (fun!) and so we'll probably take it around either then or my birthday in November.

If anyone has any other questions as to what is going on, just post in the comments.

Ja Ne!

-Melissa Rhys-


Unknown said...

What have I told you, "Always keep both hands on the wheel" and keep your eyes on the road"!!! You have such a special gift. I've really enjoyed reading your work and I always look forward to checking "The Musing Quill" to see if anything new has posted. Continue to work hard and your dreams will come to life. I look forward to the day that I can go into a book store and see your name on the shelf. I'm so proud of you.

Lissa Rhys said...

Thank you!

I, too, look forward to that day. I couldn't have done it without all the love and support from y'all.

I'll try to get posts up more often - my schedule WILL calm down eventually.