Friday, April 22, 2011

Making Time

There is an unexplainable wonderful feeling that accompanies a friend or loved one making time for you.  We forever talk about the things we do regarding time - killing it, wasting it, needing it - but making it seems to be something both ever reached for and never done.  Thanks to all those in my life who make time for me.

-Lissa Rhys-

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The OMW, One Minute Writer, is a fantastic blog with a great premise.  (There's a link at the bottom of the page if you want to participate as well.) For those who don't want to click, the basic idea is that, in one minute ONLY, you write a response to the day's thought exercise.  It's great for keeping the skills sharp and, honestly, is one of the more productive 60 seconds one has in a day.  :) 
In short, expect to see these from time to time.

Today's OMW was this: Write about one way you haven't changed since you were 13 years old.
Here was my 60 second response:
I still am overly chagrined by mocking. Some days it feels like I never grew out of that disproportional preteen phase when everything is changing and no one notices except when you trip.
April 18, 2011 11:49 AM

Feel free to post your own in the comments.
-Lissa Rhys-

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spiraling Life

Been a bit since I posted anything life related; here's update and sundry.

Married 7 months now, still twitterpated. I have a fantastic husband. He brought a dozen red roses to me at work recently - just because. Now if I can just keep him from leaving screwdrivers and spare parts in random places. (Came home to a clutch on the stove once...)

Working as the Design and Copy/Print manager for the Office Depot in AU and really enjoying the creative side of it - I'm seriously considering going back to school for a degree in Graphic Design because of how intrigued I am by the field.

Jack, the world's perfect ferret, died peacefully at an ancient 9 years old. We're missing him. All the other critters are well, even if every one is insane. 4 cats - Mara, Pixel, Luna, and Gizmo; 2 bettas - Kibble and Tidbit (i.e. Bits). There is a distinct possibility of needing to shave Pixel for the summer because of hair overgrowth and matting. I promise to share photos.

Trying to journey, travelling in a spiral.

As to why I vanished...
Projects in progress:

  • Working on my New Year's resolution of cataloging the hoard I call a book collection. It can be browsed here. I'm nowhere near finished.
  • Spring cleaning and rearranging; the military brat in me wants to move, the bank account says no. Chris is putting up with lots of furniture shuffling right now as a compromise to my demanding id.
  • Idle craft projects of cross-stitch, knitting, and painting.
  • The ever-present video games: Mario Galaxy and FFTactics mainly, with some Go and indie goodies on the side.
  • New Song of Ice & Fire book soon (George R.R. Martin), so doing a full reread. By the by, HBO doing a mini-series and it's promising.
  • Exploring graphic design techniques; recently created a frame-less collage of a few of our engagement photos.
  • Related to the organizing; sorting/filing the plethora of papers and notes scattered throughout the house. Fiction, verse, articles... it's another archive.

Hopefully I'll be posting more on here. Not sure as of yet in what vein.

Ja ne!

-Lissa Rhys-

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ok, it's been a year -

You know those projects that are always in the back of your mind but you never quite do? This poor site became one for a bit. However, barring invasion of zombies, there should be regular updates from now on. Not sure as to details - we'll see how lengthy the posts tend to run.